peregrine flacon


A few weeks ago I set out to take an to falconry class. The past few months, my sight have been to the sky. I’m always looking up to catch a glimpse of a hawk, falcon, bird of prey, or any winged species.

I drove on a misty fall Saturday in New Hampshire. The mood had been set by the weather, and my mind was quiet. I was the first to arrive out of 3, and I waiting in an aged greenhouse that stone’s floor has been battling the frost of  winters too long. Across from me sat a peregrine falcon.

In the months leading up to this moment I was chasing birds and chasing the sky. Now, as I sat as silent as I could I was frozen. She was reading me and I was waiting for her to break free of her leather anklets and crash through the glass roof. She didn’t and we sat for a bit in each other’s presence.

For the next few hours we worked with her and a Harris hawk seen below with his rich deep tones of fall blending with the autumn surroundings.

At the end, I was not sure how I felt about these symbols of spirit and nature, behind bars.

The hawk totem is a messenger of insight, adaptability and openness, it is also about visionary power and guardianship.  Hawk’s spirit teaches us to be observant and to pay attention to what we may overlook. This could mean a talent we don’t use, a blessing for which we haven’t expressed gratitude, or a message from the universe.  The hawk has keen eyesight, it is about opening our eyes and seeing that which is there to guide us. Hawk spirit awakens vision and inspires us to a creative life purpose. Look to the world around you for there are totem symbols buried in everything.

peregrine flacon
peregrine falcon in a falconry class
peregrine falcon
a peregrine falcon during a falconry class
peregrin falcon talons
peregrine falcon talons in a falconry class
Peregrine falcon used for falconry
A Peregrine Falcon used for a falconry class
peregrine falcon feathers
peregrine falcon feathers on the wing of a bird
Harris Hawk in the forest
A harris hawk used for falconry
harris hawk in the woods
a harris hawk in the woods used for a falconry class
harris hawk
a harris hawk in the orange fall leaves during a falconry class
harris hawk waiting
a harris hawk in the woods used in a falconry class
peregrine falcon behind bars
a peregrine falcon behind bars at a falconer

The Wisdom of Hawk

“What is Spirit trying to communicate to you and are you listening to them?” Hawk asked me as we perched together on a branch. “I am another you”, he said. “I fly within the realms of your upper worlds, your mind, your Spirit-self.
You are vast multidimensional beings. I carry messages from these realms to your ears. There, they whisper to you. Can you hear them? What are they telling you? They are you. It is you trying to help yourself.”

Hawk continued. “Spirit wants nothing more than for you to take their messages and apply them to your life, grounding them. Some people just float around up there and hear them but don’t do anything about it. Some others are so grounded that they can’t hear a thing.”

“Bridge the worlds together”, Hawk said. I am a part of yourself that can assist you in this way. When I fly your way, just quiet yourself and listen.”

3 thoughts on “Falconry

  1. those are beautiful. I am traveling with a falcon and am a genral falconer. You will love it if you have the time to put into it. The bond with your bird is super special and different than dogs or cats. The birds, falcons or hawks each have their own personalities. Get used to poop on you lol….or and don’t forget you have bait in your pocket…gets stinky if you do.

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